Monday, January 21, 2008

Electronic Waste Recycling

E-mail readers, click "Electronic Waste Recycling" title above for complete story.

Living near the harbor as we do, we can sometimes see first-hand what happens when trash doesn't end up in the right place. It gets washed downstream to become someone else's problem.

Well, plastic bags and styrofoam are nothing compared to the chemicals and other components found in many of today's high-tech items. Toxic chemicals like mercury and arsenic can leach from the plastics, chips and batteries into our soil and groundwater; there, they can remain a problem for years. One of the challenges is that we are all busy people, and it's often just too temptingly convenient to toss these old devices in the dumpster.

Fortunately, we're just in time for a Computer/Electronics Round-up this FRIDAY and SATURDAY at the Sports Park by the HB Library. You can take your used cell phones, TVs, computers, fax machines, and many other electronic items and have them taken off your hands for free. And you'll leave knowing you've kept a lot of nasty things out of our soil and water.

If anyone plans on making a trip, please indicate so in the comments section below. Perhaps there's an opportunity to help some others out with their items. For more information, check out or call 310.626.8180

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